Wowwwwwwwww.....we are once again AMAZED at all of U that took the time to play along with us....we are SIMPLY WOWED by the entries!!!! This time was WAY FUN....seeing everyone's MOVIE choices and I know I was saying over and over and over again...."OMYGOSH!!! I sooooooooooooo LOVED that MOVIE!!!!" We got to see "The Breakfast Club," "It's a Wonderful Life," "Pride and Prejudice" in several LO's (I think everyone LOVES Mr. Darcy!), "Dirty Dancing," "City of Angels," "Pulp Fiction"....and some couldn't decide one ONE FAVE MOVIE...sooooooo they chose multiple!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh how can I....the TRUEST of TRUEST "Twilight" fans...forget the we even got a LO with scenes from the upcoming "New Moon" :):):):):):):):):) Seriously....AMAZING U guys!!! LOVED looking at each and EVERY ONE!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) We VOTED....wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy into the night again....and HAD QUITE the TIE going on there for awhile....but in the end...only one can WIN...and that WINNER IS.................................
JANA with her LO about "AMELIE" :):):):):):):)
CONGRATS JANA....please send me ( an that we can get U the $20.00 Gift Certificate to SCRAPBOOK.COM! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Here is her LO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):)
And for our NEXT CHALLENGE....I will balance a book on my head!!! KIDDING!!!!! :):):)
Challenge NUMBER FOUR.....These are a Few of My Favorite Foods! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) I know the DT had a BLAST making ours and HOPE U have as MUCH fun too!!!! Here are our YUMMY FAVE FOOD LO'S! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
From our August GDT...JESSI!! Ok, how YUMMY are CRAB LEGS!?! YUMMY!! And I loveeeeeeeeeeeee how she used the ad....and she has like the BEST HANDWRITING!!! :):):):):) AWESOME LO! :):):)

From Amy...Chick-Fil-A's Sweet Tea!! ANOTHER...YUMMY!! Seriously, I am like sooooooooo LUCKY to have one of their restaurants right across the way from my work..and I am soooooooooooo NOT kidding, after Amy finished this...I was DROOLING for Chick-Fil-A and had to GO THERE for LUNCH the next day!! LOL!! Thanks Amy!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):)

From Bekka...Strawberry Fields Salad!! Ok...she told the story about finding this recipe on her blog via going to dinner at TGIFriday's....and I have NOT NOT NOT had this SALAD off my mind since!! YUMMY! :):):):):):):):):):):)

From Chris...Cherry Garcia Ice Cream!! (I'm telling ya...just looking at my DT lo's...I am gonna GAIN FIVE POUNDS! LOL!)...Ohhhhhhhhhhh I secretly just wanna have a LOVE AFFAIR with Mr. Ben and Mr. Jerry.....and they can throw in Mr. Cherry Garcia anytime they want!!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):)

From Deana...The Cheesecake Factory....Ok...I personally have met Deana...and let me TELL U all....she is ONE HOT MAMA...and when I saw this...I was like..."Deana, you are the one of the only women who can eat there and still look that HOT HOT HOT!!" That is another place that I just gain 5 pounds by reading their sign on the building!!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):)

From Georgia...PIZZA!!! OMYGOSH...let me tell U...I love Georgia...and I loveeeeeeeeeee PIZZA!!! When I saw this...I was like...can I come over and get an order to go???? LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this little Pizza restaurant she made!!! And I want PIZZA NOW!!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):)

From Hanneke...skottelbraai (it's like a bbq)!!! Ok....its bad enough that its BBQ....but then she has to put a picture of the FOOD on here!!! YUMMY!!! Hanneke...I'm telling ya...when I can afford that ticket to the Netherlands....ummmmmmmmmm we are sooooo having your hubby cook me up some of that!!! YUMMY! :):):):):):):):):)

From Jeanet...a GIRL after MY own HEART...*sigh* ITALIAN FOOD!! Being Italian...I might be a little biased....but HOLY YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY....I don't think my Nana's cooking ever looked that good (sorry Nana!) :):):):):):):):):)

From Jenneke...GREEK SALAD!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh how YUMMY does that sound...and so does this LO!!!! Ok, so Jenneke...when I can finally afford that ticket to the Netherlands...and after I have BBQ at Hanneke's, and then Italian at Jeanet's...I am heading to your place to have a GREEK SALAD to make myself feel just a bit of a healthier eater!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):)

And from ME (aka Julie)...When I married my 100% POLISH Hubby...I was introduced to the AMAZING WORLD of PIEROGIES!!! And if U look CLOSELY at this LO and see there is a woman peering at me as I am trying to eat my YUMMY is what I have to say about that......."Journaling: Just so you know... I see you eyeing my pierogies- and you better back off! They are MINE All mine mine mine!!" :):):):):):):) ***EDIT*** for those of U that do not know what Pierogies are...I looked up the definition and here is what I found :):):):):) "Pierogies are a dish of Polish origin, consisting of boiled dumplings of unleavened dough stuffed with varying ingredients. They are usually semicircular, but are square in some cuisines."

From Lisa...COMFORT FOOD!!!! I all ready KNEW I loved this Lisa...and NOW...I loveeeeeeeeeeeee her EVEN MORE!!!!! HOW WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YUMMY is this?!?!?!?! LOOK at that CAKE!!! I sooooooooooooo think it is calling my NAME!!!! LOL!!! And the TEAM wants to give Lisa GET WELL WISHES as she is having a hurting neck right now!!!! Get BETTER LISA!!!! But, save me some of that CAKE!!!!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):)

From Sarah....OMYGOSH...I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CUPCAKES!!!! And just look at HOW darn CUTE is SARAH with them?!?!?!!?! *sigh* this makes me HAPPY....of course, I'd be happier if I was holding the cupcake!!! LOL :):):):):):):):)
And OUR prize this time!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......our WONDERFUL GDT JESSI....has DONATED some YUMMIES for us to give away!!! :):):):):):) She has her own ETSY shop...and SOME ADORABLE things up for sale in there....go check her out! :):):):):):):):):):)
Here is what Jessi is GIVING away to OUR WINNER of the FOOD CHALLENGE!! :):):)
~10 6x6 patterned papers(all from Adrienne Looman's Rock On Collection for Prima
~six canvas tags(with stitching and one with hand-embroidery)
~2 Tags made with paper from the line mixed with fabric and sewn together!
~2 Prima Flowers

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! We would LIKE to THANK Jessi for being out GDT for August...and for offering up this YUMMY PRIZE!!!! Her stitching skills are AMAZING, aren't they!?!?!?!?! :):):):):):):):):)
Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk everyone....go out there and GET your fave food onto paper....NO RULES, NO RESCRICTIONS.....JUST MAKE a LO, card, altered object of YOUR FAVE FOOD!!!!!! Post up those beauties here (or U can email them to me too!!) by SEPTEMBER 14th!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
LOVE TO ALL! :):):):):):):):):):)